Behind The Scenes At Home Care Preferred: Product And Retail Manager

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This month Home Care Preferred caught up with Solly who has been working on the retail side of the business for four years. Solly, the Product and Retail Manager not only manages product, stock taking and customer enquiries but he is the front-of-house at the head office branch in Winchmore Hill. In his spare time, Solly loves all things music and is a singer-songwriter!

What appealed to you about working at Home Care Preferred?

SG: I loved the idea of a “one-stop shop” combining both retail and care.

How did you get into your job role?

SG: I previously worked in the retail sector and had lots of experience there. I actually started working at Home Care Preferred as a Support Assistant. I stayed in the role for two years until the opportunity came about and I moved across to the product and retail side of the business.

What does your job involve?

SG: I look after the retail, the buying and selling of products as well as accounting, stock taking and front-of-house. I am often the first person a client will see when they come to our shop or offices.

What does a normal day look like for you?

SG: A normal day starts with getting set up. I serve customers as they walk into the store, but also take enquiries over the phone. I need to have knowledge of all of our products to do that. We stock thousands of items and I advise and give an initial assessment to customers to make sure they are purchasing the correct product for their needs.

What do you spend the majority of your day doing?

SG: Other than serving customers, I spend a lot of time “troubleshooting”. This can be anything from helping customers with a product, showing them how to use it and sometimes popping out for a home visit if they need help installing a product.

What training have you received for your job role?

SG: Other than in-house Home Care Preferred training, I also receive product-specific training, for example; wheelchair companies will often provide brand and product training.

What advice would you give to someone starting out in your job role?

SG: You have to know your products and what you are selling. The majority of people whom you encounter will need specialized equipment and it’s important to understand how every item you stock can help them depending on their exact needs. There is a lot of product variation too; product knowledge is definitely the key.

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