My name is Alison, and I have always loved working with children and animals, even though there is the saying, never work with children or animals!
I started my career as a riding instructor, which gave me many years of pleasure, but took its toll on my body over time, and wasn’t so fun when the weather was cold and wet! My last job with horses, was with a family that had three children, which eventually became a combination of horses and childcare, known as a “girl Friday”… don’t ask me why!
After this I made the move into the world of nannying, andI have been a professional nanny for over 20 years. I have worked with some great families including royal families and celebrities, which has allowed me to gain a wealth of experience on all facets of childcare, and now I also offer support and advice to parents on a consultancy basis, on routines, weaning, potty training, fussy eating, and behavioural challenges.
I have spent the last 6 years working in Dubai, which has been amazing, but a long way from home! It was here that I got my best friend, Cherry, who is a beautiful red golden retriever. Wanting her to live in a more temperate climate, where I can walk her at any time of the day, and run free, combined with the fact that my parents are not getting any younger, has prompted the move back home to the UK.
So, most of my career has been spent teaching, whether that be, riding, academia, etiquette, manners, healthy eating or general knowledge, it’s something that I love doing and I want to continue when I make the move back to the UK.
I found out about BabyBeats in the summer of 2022, and was immediately excited! It is a perfect blend of what I love, and still within my wheelhouse, working with parents and children to help them feel great, both mentally and physically! This, along with the desire to have my own business, where I can set my own hours is ideal, and these have been my main motivators… the affordability is also another great factor!
I love the ethos behind BabyBeats, and believe it has the potential to fill a gap in the market place that hasn’t previously existed. The process so far has been amazing, and Rose is so supportive, and easy to talk to and ask questions… and there will be a lot regarding the social media side, as this is not something I know much about and find quite daunting! However, that said, I already feel part of the team, and believe this business as a whole will grow exponentially in the years to come!